Контрольная работа для 9 класса к УМК ENGLISH 9 Кузовлева В. П. и др. тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 9 класса по учебнику М.З. Биболетова за I четверть. Данная контрольная работа включает в себя задания по следующим темам: артикли,Настоящее продолженное время с выражением будущего времени,Будущее время,активный и пассивный залог. Данная работа рассчитана на целый урок.
Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 9 класса
I can’t eat a sandwich as my hands are dirty – I …. the horses.
have been grooming
had been grooming
Moscow …. by millions of people every year.
This poem … by Alexander Pushkin.
will be written
My mother likes to travel … car.
My grandfather prefers travelling …. foot.
Task 2: Translate into English, using the infinitive.
Учить английский – очень трудно.
Мои планы на будущее – сдать успешно экзамены и получить аттестат.
Я решил продолжить изучение английского языка.
Мне некому помочь.
У меня нет словаря, которым я мог бы воспользоваться.
Я пришел сюда, чтобы увидеть тебя.
Много людей учат английский, чтобы общаться с иностранцами.
Task 3: Fill in the articles when necessary.
___Asia, ___Panama Canal, ___Urals, ___Lake Baikal, ___Smirnovs, ___Red Square, ___Trafalgar Square, ___Pacific Ocean, ___Sahara Desert, ___Alexander Pushkin,___ English language, ___Everest, ___USA, ___Russia, ___Russian Federation, ___Nile, ___Black Sea, ___Japanese Islands, ___France, ___Baikal.
Task 4: Write the sentences in reported speech.
My mother said: ”I will go to the cinema tomorrow”
My father said: “I have never been to London!”
I ask him: “Carrie, give me this book”
Task 5: What do you think about your future? Write some sentences.
Task 6: Fill in the table.
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Хочу выразить большую благодарность от лица педагогов начальных классов гимназии «Пущино» программистам, создавшим эту замечательную программу! То, что раньше мы делали «врукопашную», теперь можно оформить в таблицу и получить анализ по каждому ученику и отчёт по классу. Великолепно, восторг! Преимущества мы оценили сразу. С начала нового учебного года будем активно пользоваться. Поэтому никаких пожеланий у нас пока нет, одни благодарности. Очень простая и понятная инструкция, что немаловажно! Благодарю Вас и Ваших коллег за этот важный труд. Очень приятно, когда коллеги понимают, как можно «упростить» работу учителя.
учитель химии и биологии, СОШ с. Чапаевка, Новоорский район, Оренбургская область
Отзыв о товаре ША Шаблон Excel Анализатор результатов ОГЭ
Спасибо, аналитическая справка замечательная получается, ОГЭ химия и биология. Очень облегчило аналитическую работу , выявляются узкие места в подготовке к экзамену. Нагрузка у меня, как и у всех учителей большая. Ваш шаблон экономит время , своим коллегам я Ваш шаблон показала, они так же его приобрели. Спасибо.
Очень хороший шаблон, удобен в использовании, анализ пробного тестирования занял считанные минуты. Возникли проблемы с распечаткой отчёта, но надо ещё раз разобраться. Большое спасибо за качественный анализатор.
учитель начальных классов, МБОУ СОШ №1, г. Красновишерск, Пермский край
Отзыв о товаре Изготовление сертификата или свидетельства конкурса
Большое спасибо за оперативное изготовление сертификатов! Все очень красиво . Мой ученик доволен, свой сертификат он вложил в портфолио . Обязательно продолжим с Вами сотрудничество!
учитель начальных классов, ОГБОУ «Центр образования для детей с особыми образовательными потребностями г. Смоленска»
Отзыв о товаре Вебинар Как создать интересный урок:
инструменты и приемы
Я посмотрела вебинар! Осталась очень довольна полученной информацией. Всё очень чётко, без «воды». Всё, что сказано, показано, очень пригодится в практике любого педагога. И я тоже обязательно воспользуюсь полезными материалами вебинара. Спасибо большое лектору за то, что она поделилась своим опытом!
Хотела бы поблагодарить Вас за такую помощь. Разобралась сразу же , всё очень аккуратно и оперативно. Нет ни одного недостатка. Я не пожалела, что доверилась и приобрела у вас этот табель. Благодаря Вам сэкономила время , сейчас же составляю табель для работников. Удачи и успехов Вам в дальнейшем!
Спасибо огромное, очень много экономит времени , т.к. анализ уже готовый, и особенно радует, что есть варианты с сочинением, без сочинения, только анализ сочинения! Превосходно!
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контрольная работа для 9 класса к УМК ENGLISH 9 Кузовлева В.П. и др.
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Контрольная работа предназначена для учащихся 9 класс с целью проверки сформированности грамматических навыков использования артиклей с именами собственными и видо-временных форм глагола со значением будущего времени
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Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольная работа. 9 класс.
I. Complete the sentences using the articles a or the where necessary.
- … famous architect M. Kazakov designed beautiful buildings for Moscow.
- The leading London orchestra is … Royal Philharmonic Orchestra or the PRO.
- Classical music is played in … Royal Festival Hall, Queen Elizabeth Hall.
- … Ronnie Scott’s Club is a well-known jazz street.
- Andrew Lloyd Webber, … English writer, wrote very successful musicals such as “Cats”, “The Phantom of the Opera”. … Webber’s musicals are very popular and have very good actors.
- … St. Petersburg’s ballet is famous all over the world.
- One of the most important rock events was … Woodstock, Music Festival in 1969.
- The first night of … Sergey Prokofiev’s operas is coming, at … Bolshoi Theatre.
- D. Shostakovich was a pupil of … famous composer, Al. Glazunov, Shostakovich liked … Glazunov’s music.
- Alexandra Pakhmutova, … popular Russian writer of songs, is very successful.
II. Open the brackets using the correct verb form expressing the future meanings.
- – I hope I (have) time to go to the concert.
- – I think you (be able) to buy tickets tomorrow. The box office (open) at 9:00 a.m.
- – I’m sure you (enjoy) the concert. This group is very successful.
- – (Go) with me?
- – No, thanks. Next week I go to the rock concert. I think I ( like) it. I like rock music. I hope my favourite group (be) there. They (enter) the top rock chart at the end of the week.
- – We are both waiting for great concerts. Next weekend we (see) each other I think and change our impressions.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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Контрольная работа 10 класс «How different the world is!» (к учебнику В.П.Кузовлева)
Цели: 1. Активация грамматических навыков ( аритикли с географическими названиями, косвенная речь, повествовательные предлож.
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Содержит задания на знание Present Simple, вопросительных слов, исключения из правила множественного числа существительных, обозначения времени.
Контрольные работы по английскому языку 9 класс
There are different families in terms of size and number of generations. There are so-called nuclear families, which consist of parents and dependent children, that is, children who are not old enough to take care of themselves in financial terms. There are also extended families, which also include grandmothers and grandfathers, sometimes even aunts and uncles with their spouses (spouse — супруг, супруга) and kids. They all live together and form one household.
In the past, most families in Russia and other countries were extended families, and three or more generations used to live together. (1) The first refers, mainly, to the young generation — when young people become independent financially and are able to support themselves, they usually leave their parents’ house. The latter is about elderly people — grandparents often want their own personal space too and live apart from their grown-up children as long as they are able to take care of themselves.
However, a new trend of the contemporary society has been spotted recently by western researchers. Statistics say that more and more people turn back to extended family lifestyle, when several generations live in one household. Young people tend to stay with their parents even when they become adult. Grandparents, who live longer than they used to, also prefer to share a flat or a house with their children and grandchildren, as they need support and company of other members of the family. But the main reason for that is, certainly, money. (2). It saves money and makes life easier as the household chores (домашние обязанности) can be distributed among several members of the family according to their likes and abilities.
Along with those indisputable advantages there are some disadvantages — different generations have different values, habits and interests, they often get on each other’s nerves, which leads to conflicts. (3). A new term “the sandwich generation” has appeared to denote these people. The sandwich generation are those who take care of the elderly and the young, and rule the family in general. (4).Life is quite tough to her. To survive and to maintain a happy family she needs to exercise the extreme tolerance when looking after both children and parents. It would be nice of the other members of the family to appreciate it.
- There should be someone who is able to resolve conflicts, bridge different interests and take care of others.
- Lots of people prefer extended family because it gives them comfort and support.
- Nowadays the situation is different and many people prefer living on their own, if, of course, can afford it and if their health allows them to do it.
- In most cases this is the daughter of the elderly generation and the mother of the young generation.
- It’s obvious that one big household is more economical than three little ones.
2. Вставьте слово в правильной форме.
Do you believe that some jobs are more ____________1 (suit) for men and some occupations are more appropriate for women? If you do, don’t tell John Tailor about it! He is a teacher in a nursery school and loves his job very much.
He took up that job as a temporary one, and at first he didn’t take it _____________ 2 (serious). Bringing up and _____________3 (teach) young children is a good job for women – this is the stereotype. John applied for the job ____________4 (main) because he needed money and because he hadn’t been able to find anything appropriate for several months. «It’s a prejudice», says John Tailor, “to think that men are not as good with little kids as women are. This prejudice ____________5 (courage) many men from working in schools. It’s only through experience that I found out how interesting, ____________6 (demand) and rewarding this job is. Kids can’t forgive lies and indifference, they never justify ____________7 (betray) and unfairness. They bring me up too – every minute and every day. Very often I have a feeling as if I were taking an exam. A «good guy» qualification exam! And I feel a great job____________8 (satisfy). Being a teacher is a job for clever, strong and _____________9 (ambition) men.
3. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
«Doing anything special this weekend? » there was a funny note in Julia’s voice which ________ (1) me turn down the volume of the TV and look up at her.
«No, nothing special. Two or three good films are going to be on. But why do you ask? »
«I have absolutely nothing to wear, » said Julia. At that moment she ________ (2) trendy jeans and a black and silver jumper, which she _______ just _______ (3).
«I’m going shopping on Saturday. ________ you_________ (4) with me? »
I don’t like shopping very much. And I ________ (5) shopping with Julia. But we _______ (6) friends for many years and I didn’t want to disappoint her. So, I _______ (7).
On Saturday morning Julia _______ (8) to pick me up. By the afternoon we ________ (9) a dozen of shops and lots of different clothes _________ (10). Some of them were too conservative, some too dull, some too silly to Julia’s taste. We bought nothing at all, and on the way home I had to listen to Julia complaining about how tired and stressed out she was.
- a) makes b) made c) was made d) had made
- a) was wearing b) had worn c) had been wearing d) was worn
- a) is…bought b) has… bought c) were…bought d) had…bought
- a) are…coming b) shall…come c) do…come d) have…come
- a) hate b) am hating c) have hated d) was hated
- a) are b) were c) have been d) will be
- a) agree b) agreed c) had agreed d) will agree
- a) drop by b) drops by c) has dropped by d) dropped by
- a) toured b) have toured c) had toured d) had been toured
- a) were tried on b) are tried on c) have been tried on d) had been tried on
4. Вы получили письмо от своего друга Майка, который написал:
…Yesterday, when I was busy doing my homework, my Mum asked me to look after my younger sister who’s five. I really like her, she’s so funny, but she talks all the time and asks 100 questions a minute! Do you have brothers or sisters (or maybe cousins)? How much time do you spend together, if at all? Would you like to be the only child in the family?
Oh, before I forget, I have just finished reading the last book about Harry Potter.
Напишите письмо Майку. В вашем письме должно быть:
— ответ на вопрос
— задайте 3 вопроса о книге
Напишите 100-140 слов.
5. Аудирование
Вы два раза услышите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А, B, C, D. Установите соответствие между диалогами и местами, где они происходят: к каждому диалогу подберите соответствующее место действия, обозначенное цифрами. Используйте каждое место действия из списка 1–5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место действия.
1. In a park
2. In a shop
3. In a vet clinic
4. In a hotel
5. At a party
Запишите в таблицу выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами.
Диалог | A | B | C | D |
Место действия |
1. 1-C 2-E 3-A 4-D
2. 1-suitable 2-seriously 3-teaching 4-mainly 5-discourages
6-demanding 7-betrayal 8-satisfaction 9-ambitious
3.1-b 2-a 3-d 4-a 5-a 6-c 7-b 8-d 9-c 10-d
5. 2416
Вариант 2
1. Прочитайте текст и заполните таблицу буквами А-Е. Два предложения лишние.
Robot technologies in our home
There are lots of science fiction books and films about robots. Nice and humanlike metal and plastic creatures often become children’s friends there. Robots learn how to distinguish between good and evil, and how to become a friend to a human being. To our surprise and delight we find out that robots are able to experience feelings — they can feel happy, upset, and even angry. (1) They can even risk their life, (2), for someone they love.
Is artificial intellect a pure fantasy or are there any scientific discoveries behind this idea? (3) What we know for sure is that robotics is a rapidly developing technology, and soon we can expect robots to enter our houses and stay there for a long time. It’s already happening in Japan, where machines of all shapes and sizes are widely used. Besides being used in different industries, robots do lots of housework: they clean the house, serve tea and wash up after that. (4) These robots wake people up in the morning, inform them about the weather and ask questions about their health. The robots are able to recognise faces, keep eye contact and maintain conversations. In Japan, (5), humanoid robots have already become friends for lots of elderly people.
Robots for households are usually designed in a humanlike manner and resemble human beings — they have a head, arms and legs. Japanese scientists believe that in several years robots will be common in every household and feel very enthusiastic about it.
- in robots’ terms they risk being destroyed or reprogrammed
- Amazing but robots can take care of disabled or aged people!
- Some rescue robots, which can dig deep after earthquakes, have already been created.
- It’s still difficult to answer this question.
- We can see robots break the technological law of logic and rational to defend human beings.
- Elderly people often feel lonely and need some company.
- which has the largest percentage of aged people in the world
2. Вставьте слово в правильной форме.
Some people think that wars are __________ (avoid), and that people will always be fighting with each other. I’m more ___________ (optimist) on this point. The process of ___________ (integrate) is going rapidly and soon we may find ourselves living in one huge country. We’ll be wearing the same clothes, listen to the same music. And watch the same films. We certainly risk losing ___________ (ethnicity) and cultural diversity, which is not good news, but on the other hand, this means that there will be no grounds for ___________ (religion) and ethnic discrimination. There will be no boarders which need ___________ (protect). If the police work well and the law is fair and clever, we’ll get rid of criminals very easily. Former policemen may work as firemen or in schools and it will prevent any ___________ (bully) or (fight) __________ there.
3. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
I _____ (1) that emergency call nearly midnight. A worried male voice informed the emergency service that his three kids _____ (2) not at home yet. The man explained that his two sons, Allan, 15, and Johnny, 13, and their twelve-year-old cousin Gabrielle _____ (3) for a bicycle ride and there was no sign of them yet. The man sounded very nervous, as he suspected that something _____ (4) to the boys. No doubt, our help _____ (5). I had to ask some questions to understand the details. It turned out that the kids liked to ride down the hills which were four kilometers away from their house. The rescue party headed right there.
The rescuers saw the boys soon. They _____ (6) the hill. They were walking very slowly. Two of them were helping the third boy – his leg _____ (7) and he was screaming with pain. Later he told us that they had been practicing extreme cycling.
Unfortunately, things like that happen quite often. I ____ (8) for the emergency center for more than five years and have seen lots of kids suffering the consequences of their extremes. They often ignore safety rules, and get _____ (9) or worse. They cannot realize that without a very careful preparation any extreme sport is a _____ (10) activity.
- a) receive b) received c) have received d) had received
- a) are b) was c) were d) had been
- a) left b) was left c) have left d) had left
- a) happened b) had happened c) is happened d) has happened
- a) needs b) needed c) is necessary d) was necessary
- a) move down b) are moving down c) had moving down d) were moving down
- a) was broken b) has been broken c) is broken d) broke
- a) work b) am working c) was working d) have been working
- a) injured b) injure c) injuring d) be injured
- a) danger b) dangerous c) dangerously d) endangered
4. Вы получили письмо от своей подруги Лизы, которая написала:
…For me it’s fun to go somewhere I’ve never been to, to see other places, to mix with new people and to get new experiences. So far I haven’t travelled abroad, but I hope to go to France this summer. What about you, where would you like to go to if you could choose? Have you travelled a lot in Russia? Who do you prefer to travel with?
Just imagine our drama teacher wants us to stage a comedy…
Напиште письмо Лизе. В вашем письме должно быть:
— ответьте на вопрос
— задайте 3 вопроса о книге
Напишите 100-140 слов.
5. Аудирование
Вы два раза услышите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А, В, С, D, Е. Установите соответствие между высказываниями и утверждениями из следующего списка: к каждому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифрами. Используйте каждое утверждение из списка 1–6 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.
1. The speaker talks about his/her favourite subject.
2. The speaker talks about his/her after-class activities.
3. The speaker describes his/her school classroom.
4. The speaker explains how to use the school library.
5. The speaker describes a school book exhibition.
6. The speaker explains what his/her friend is angry about.
Запишите в таблицу выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами.
Говорящий | A | B | C | D |
Утверждение |
1. 1-E 2-A 3-D 4-B 5-G
1. unavoidable
2. optimistic
3. integration
4. ethnic
5. religious
6. protection
7. bulling
8. fighting/ fight/ fights