Контрольная работа по английскому языку (модуль 5) к УМК Ю. Е. Ваулиной и др. Spotlight-5

4. honey/ bees / do / make / ?

Модульная контрольная работа по английскому языку в 5 классе (Модуль 1 учебника «Spotlight 5»)

Модульная контрольная работа по английскому языку в 5 классе (Модуль 1 учебника «Spotlight 5») для двух вариантов. Цель контрольной — проверить сформированность лексических и грамматических навыков по теме, а также умений письма (личное письмо неформального характера).

Содержимое разработки

MODULE 1 5 th form

I. Choose the correct article

1. There is a/an blue pen on the table.

2. A/an cat is small and funny.

3. I need a/an orange bag.

4. Give me a/an pencil.

5. This is a/an old book.

6. She is a/an good pupil.

7. This is a/an ruler.

8. He has got a/an rabbit.

9. My father is a/an architect.

10. I saw a/an elephant in the Zoo.

II. Choose the correct response

2. Hi, I’m Emma. And what’s your name?

3. How old are you?

4. Where is the Art lesson?

Oh hello! I’m Dean.

5. What’s your favourite subject?

III. Fill in gaps using am/ is/ are , read the text and answer the questions

How 1) _____ you? My name 2)____ Diana and I 3) ______ eleven. I 4)_____ from Lowrens. It 5)_____in the USA. I 6) ____ in Year 6. My class 7)_______ not very big. My best friend 8)_______ Sarah. She 9) _____ very nice and kind. My favourite subjects 10) ______ English and Art. I don’t like Maths, it 11)____ boring. Sarah and I 12)_______ good pupils.

That’s all. Write me about your school life.

2. Is she from the USA?

3. Is Helen Diana’s best friend?

4. Is Diana’s class big?

5. Are English and Maths her favourite subjects?

6. Are Sarah and Diana good pupils?

IV. .Write the missing numbers.

1 two + ten = _ _ _ _ _ _

2 four + _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = eleven

3 eighteen – five = _ _ _ _ _ _

4 fourteen + three = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ + five = twenty

6 nine + six = _ _ _ _ _ _

V. Write an answer to Diana. Tell her about you, your class, your best friend and favourite subjects.

MODULE 1 5 th form

I. Choose the correct article

1. I saw a/an interesting film last Sunday.

2. A/an snake is long and yellow.

3. Give me a/an eraser.

4. I need a/an new notebook.

5. Peter is a/an lazy student.

6. I have got a/an orange dress.

7. This is a/an atlas.

8. Mary has got a/an nice dog.

9. Her mother is a/an actress.

10. I take a/an apple.

II. Choose the correct response

1. Are you new at school? What’s your name?

Very well! And you?

2. Hi! How are you?

3. What’s your favourite subject?

4. Where is Music lesson?

Oh no, I am eleven.

5. Are you twelve?

III. Fill in gaps using am/ is/ are, read the text and answer the questions

How 1)_____you? My name 2)_____ Bobby and I 3)______ ten. I 4)_____ from Brighton. It 5) _____in England. I 6)____ in Year 5. My class 7)_______ rather small. My best friend 8)_______ Nick. He 9)_____ smart and brave. My favourite subjects10) ______ Maths and PE. I don’t like Art, it 11) ____ boring. Nick and I 12)________ not very good at study, but we do our best.

That’s all. Write me about your school life.

2. Is he from England?

3. Is Nick Bobby’s best friend?

4. Is Bobby’s class big?

5. Are his favourite subjects PE and Maths?

6. Are Bobby and Nick good pupils?

IV. Write the missing numbers.

1 one + ten = _ _ _ _ _ _

2 four + _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = nineteen

3 seventeen – five = _ _ _ _ _ _

4 fourteen ‐ one = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ + two = twenty

6 nine + seven = _ _ _ _ _ _

V. Write an answer to Bobby. Tell him about you, your class, your best friend and favourite subjects.