Контрольная работа 7 класс биболетова 3 четверть

3. You (should/shouldn’t) eat sweets too much.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 7 класса (3 четверть) УМК Enjoy English М.З. Биболетова

B. Измените слова так, чтобы они грамматически подходили к содержанию предложения.

1. They expect (I) to arrange a party.

2.There are different types of (средних) schools in Russia

3. In Russia ( образование) is free.

4.If we take care of animals , they (live) on our planet.

5. She would go to New York if he (have) money.

6. These books (read )every week.

7. The competition (win) by students last year.

8. The article ( publish) next week.

9. You (должен) study well.

10. You (следует) be polite.

1).Answer the questions.

1. What is your favourite subject? Why?

2. Do you wear a school uniform?

2). Make up the sentences

1. dinner/ cooked/the/ by/ mother/ was /my

2. written/ with/the/ letter/ the/ is/ pen/a

3.I /her/well/ want/ behave/to

1. Choose the correct word.

a) обязательный b) поведение с)общение

a) высокий b) высший с) государственный

a) посещать b) образовывать с) беда

a) тихий b) частный с)средний

a) позволять b) спор с)ожидать

Choose the correct pronoun.

1. My friends want . to go for a walk

a )me b) I c) mine d) my

2. It takes . 5 minutes to get to the library.

a )you b) your c) yours

3. This is . house.

a )his b) him c) he

4. I don`t like my pen. . is much better.

a )they b) their c) theirs d) them

5. . is a real troublemaker.

a )her b) she c) hers

B. Измените слова так, чтобы они грамматически подходили к содержанию предложения.

Контрольная работа 7 класс биболетова 3 четверть

Form 7. Unit 5. “Do You Have Any Problems with Your Friends?” Test.

I. rel., lo.al, fr..nd, igno. s.ppo.tive, con.ider. te.

II. fr..ndship, betr.y, bo.ing, sh.re, che.r up, advi.ce.

III . w.rry, simil.r, f..give, e.ch, respon..ble, br.iny.

IV. te . se , to advi.e, q.arrel, c.aracter, su..estion, id.al.

Заполните пропуски предлогами: on, by, about, of, with, for.

I. 1.Friends rely … each other. 2.My friend is a good person to share secrets … .3.He always

cheers me … in difficult situations. 4.Friends always stand … each other. 5.We like to talk …

II . 1.I like to share my problems … my friend. 2.I often ask my mum … advice. 3.My parents

always rely … me. 4.We have similar hobbies … my friend. 5.The characters … my friends

are different III . 1.I never ask him … help. 2.We can keep secrets … each other. 3.He always talks … his

problems with his parents. 4.I cant agree … his opinion. 5.My mum always relies … me.

IV . 1.Don’t worry … me. 2.You may share your secrets … me. 3.You may rely … me. 4.What

did you fight … ? 5.Tom is one … my loyal friends.

Закончи предложения всеми возможными вариантами: a) keeps secrets; b) worries about himself; c)ignores your problems; d) tries to understand; e)helps you; f) never thinks about you; g) can betray you; h)always teases you.

I. 1.A true friend is a person who … . 2.A false friend is a person who … .

II. 1.A good friend is a person who … . 2. A bad friend is a person who … .

III. 1.A supportive friend is a person who … . 2. A responsible friend is a person who … .

IV. 1.A false friend is a person who … . 2.An understanding friend is a person who … .

Переведите на английский язык:

I. 1.У меня есть сестра, с которой я делюсь секретами. 2.Школа – это место, где я

получаю хорошие знания. 3.Мои одноклассники – это люди, с которыми я никогда не

II . 1.Я не люблю людей, которые могут предать. 2.Мои родители – это люди, которые